Well now that I am openly pregnant, I can tell you that most of what I say, think, and taste can just be disregarded. (on that note, maybe you should check out the other Daring Baker's results and opinions with this project. They look beautiful! Find the daring bakers blogroll here http://daringbakersblogroll.blogspot.com/)
I only ate a small peice of this and I ended up throwing most of the leftovers away. I don't blame the recipe, or even myself. I shall blame the baby because on a normal day I would love a rich, homemade tart created with some of my favorite things- chocolate mousse, a buttery hazelnut crust, and caramel. The components sound too good to be true.
But, unfortunately, lately I prefer doritos. (?)
My family liked the tart but they thought it was too rich. Everybody's favorite part was the chocolate mousse which they were using as strawberry dip. I think "to-die-for" would be an appropriate phrase to describe it, though I can't remember how they described it.
I am telling you what THEY thought since I am just no judge of food at this time. Hence the lack of food blogging.
The tart was easy to make, but since the mousse was the biggest hit (and it took only 5 minutes to make) I think that is the only part I will make again (as a strawberry dip, of course!)
FOR THE RECIPE: I must refer you to one of our lovely hosts this month, Patricia at Technicolor Kitchen http://technicolorkitcheninenglish.blogspot.com/ or Veronica at Kitchen Musings http://kitchenmusings.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/08/of-chocolate-an.html